City of Glass Review


To save her mother & wake her up from her coma, Clary Fray must travel to the City of Glass, known as Alicante; the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters. Because Jace feels that Alicante is not safe for Clary, excluding her from traveling with the Lightwoods to Idris, she is forced to enter the city without permission, essentially breaking the Law, which could mean death. Upon leaving New York, Luke, an ex-shadowhunter turned werewolf, accompanies her to Idris. There she finds that her best friend Simon, a newly turned vampire, has been thrown into prison by the Clave, who are deeply suspicious of how he can withstand sunlight, bringing up an even more important question, why is he here in the first place? The Clave, mainly the inquisitor, refuse to believe the story Simon and the Lightwoods tell for the reason of bringing a vampire into Alicante without permission, believing it to be a ruse, and that they’re working with the rogue Shadowhunter Valentine. There, in Alicante, Clary discovers more of her family’s past, and meets multiple people who sided with her father years ago. She also meets the mysterious Sebastian, who aids her in her search for the warlock who can help her mother. But with Valentine using all his power to destroy shadowhunters, they must fight alongside their enemies, the downworlders, in order to defeat him. But can they do it? Can they put aside all their hate and prejudice in order to win this war? Can Jace come to terms with his love for Clary, whom Valentine said was his sister? Can Clary harness her newfound powers to help save Alicante and the shadowhunters? What will it cost?

Oh wow, is all I could say once I finished City of Glass. It was absolutely amazing, the best so far. I did however decide to listen to the Audiobook rather then reading, which I found to be less pleasurable and more time consuming, but this book was amazing enough to keep me interested and entertained. Not only do we learn more about Clary and her family, but about all the characters in the previous novels. We meet Luke’s sister, whom Clary never knew of, learn more about the Lightwoods and their relationship with their adopted son Jace, and even of Valentine. We also meet plenty of new characters, shadowhunters and their families, and even a few who cause a big stir in the story, such as Sebastian. We also get to see more of the Shadowhunters history and how they live day to day in their home of Alicante in Idris. What kept me reading was the many twist and turns and the action packed story line. I just couldn’t get enough! This was, in my opinion, an overall amazing read, one that I enjoyed immensely, making me fall in love with the story and its characters all over again. A definite 5/5 star rating. 

Watch out for my review on the fourth book, City of Fallen Angels.

xoxo – J

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